Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Purr poise

Alright, so here's the deal. I'm an aspiring director/writer/and actor for film and theatre. But guess what? I have a hard time finding a job in the world of entertainment for various reasons. Therefore, I'm creating my own small miniature world here, online. Mostly this will be a site of serious film reviews with a healthy spattering of Q&A sessions if anyone feels like getting a hold of me and possibly a pinch of my own small scriptwriting talent. I understand if you don't like me, I'm not a fun internet pundit. However, I guarantee to other film makers out there that I will try, like most critics should, to put a fair and honest portrayal and explanation of what did and didn't work in the films. First, there will be several old film reviews followed by my newest one concerning Flags of Our Fathers. I will not stick to film in theaters since I am a poor fellow and will more than likely hit up netflix DVD's more often. With all of that introductory trash out of the way, grab your stirrup and hat.


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