Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Jurassic World
"Jurassic World still too far away"
I believe it is fair to say, that the original Jurassic Park is something of legend. It was one of the seminal moments in film history and helped seal Steven Speilberg's name as an all-time great. The man who brought us Jaws, E.T., Hook, Indiana Jones, and Close Encounters and then Jurassic Park in 1993 the same year he debuted a little known classic called Schindler's List, has created more seminal moments in film history over the last 50 years than any other director including Kubrick and Cameron. He is the man who invented the blockbuster. With that said, Jurassic Park is well known for its use of special effects blended with pragmatic animatronics to create the biggest spectacle ever seen at the time.
Now fast forward through two sequels later, one by Spielberg based on Crichton's sequel and one by Joe Johnston who seems to only be able to shoot movies that feel old and slow (the Rocketeer and Captain America come to mind). We have the much hyped and touted Jurassic World being shepherded by Spielberg and being directed by a fairly new guy, Colin Trevorrow. Based on previous entries, the bare for the Jurassic series was lowered as Speilberg's sequel felt forced and slightly like a cash grab while Joe Johnston's take proved only that William H. Macy can never be bad in any movie. They were decently fun, but both fell far short of the amazement, wonder, and love and care of the first film.
Having read several interviews with Trevorrow, I was interested for several reasons, he seemed eager, he seemed intelligent, and he harbored a great love and fondness for the original movie that I hoped would show in this film. And while Jurassic World is a fun ride with everything you expect from a Jurassic movie, it also falls exasperatingly short of the greatness of the first film. However, the reason why it falls short is due to the editing and dialogue which a slightly more experienced director and which the previous two films seemed to do a better job of fixing.
Comparison to the first:
So, Trevorrow has stated that he liked the idea of man's folly of depending too much on the gadgets and gizmos around us that we have become numb to the power of nature. It is a sub theme in the first movie implied by everything and it is a great way to get into a new Jurassic park movie. It is played out well by not being over stated. Good job, well done! The theme park itself is brilliantly laid out and the introduction to the place makes me wish it really existed so I could visit, even if I might be in danger of a break out. It seems logical and well planned, just like any Disney park making billions of dollars every year would be after operating for 7 years. Except instead of imagineers coming up with new rides, it is scientists coming up with new dinosaurs. While the original movie shames man for having the balls to try and create new life from the dead, a very Frankenstein approach, this one has decided that man can adapt and learn from past mistakes, only to make them again and bigger than before. This time, we have decided to make new dinosaurs completely from scratch as we look for a perfect killing machine, similar to Robocop, Avatar, etc. If you can make the leap that someone in the military said, you know what? These raptors are perfect! They would be the best drone replacements imaginable if we could train them like giant killing attack dogs...However, if you have a brain and are like me, then that last statement seems implausible to the point of making you want to slap someone. However, that is essentially what Vincent D'Onofrio's character believes will happen as soon as he can show that you can train some raptors...yea. Bizarre and ridiculous idea that is only confirmed in the broad scene chewing strokes Onofrio uses to paint his character. He does what he can, but nuance is not in the script nor the performance and it is obvious from scene one that he is evil. At least Newman in the first movie we felt sympathetic for until he pretty much lost his damn marbles and let out the raptors.
Other comparisons to the first movie, the first movie has two kids who we are supposed to connect with and follow as they explore and run from everything. This movie also has two kids we are supposed to connect with as an audience and root for. The difference? These kids have terrible lines, the family dynamic is underexplored and it is funnier sitting back and laughing at the ridiculous lines and attempts at connecting with an audience. It is almost as if the director didn't have his heart in it and realized it was necessary but decided to spend more time on awesome dinosaur thoughts and attacks.
Also, in the first movie, we have a raptor expert who takes over for Sam Neill's character of being a dinosaur expert, and then you have the tough aunt who will do anything to save her nephews she hasn't seen in years and whom she spends a good portion of the movie blowing off to replace Laura Dern's awesome paleotologist. Difference? Well Chris Pratt oozes charisma and is a certifiable badass and pulls off his role well. Bryce Dallas Howard does the best she can with the role, mocks the look of Laura Dern at one point, and is passable and hot for once. They become the couple that everyone knew they would...however, in reality she should probably be called up in court on charges for the slaughter that happened and he should distance himself from everything since he worked on only saving one person. Their relationship with that of the kids is supposed to be the forged together family dynamic, and while it is amusing, the comedic lines used only amp up Pratt's badassness and help the laughability of Howard's character being able to handle herself. They don't feel like a family, they feel like victims in shock at the tragedy around them who might talk for a while until they realize the only thing holding them together is shared tragedy and then move on with their lives. Falls far short of the great family dynamic in the first movie.
Crazy head billionaires! I mean seriously? How many are there in the world and why won't one of them endorse me and my nutso plans to start a playground that is only for adults to go to during work? Where they can rock climb like American Ninja style over a lake and play chicken in bumper cars that can actually fit their legs? Anyhow, in the first film the character of John Hammond was an eccentric billionaire with a dream to play God and use dinosaurs like marionettes for people's amusement. In Jurassic World, Mr. Masrani is more of a zen thrill taking billionaire whose purpose is to A. fulfill John's dream B. give people some humility by displaying the greatness of dinosaurs compared to our frailty, C. make money by creating fun monsters to ogle D. I have no idea because the movie can't seem to settle on one motivation. If you answer D, you are correct. Despite this, he is the most amusing character since he does show some morality and his zen everything will be alright attitude is infectious and uplifting. Sadly, like Hammond, he also must pass on as his own optimism proves to be his downfall. How convenient he is also a pilot...
The scares. Trevorrow once mentioned that one of the best scenes in Jurassic Park is the palpable fear it produces because of how great a job Spielberg does of turning the raptors into a slasher movie style. Lots of hide and seek. As if being hunted by Predator. The problem is that whil Trevorrow tries to replicate this concept, he fails badly mostly due to the script and previous movies. Nothing new is brought to the table. We still have the same old giant eyeball looking at us, the raptors destroying people with lighting quickness, blood dripping down on the next victim, and general havok. The scariest part is honestly a very tame scene where O'nofrio is in the middle of explaining his villainous schemes when a raptor just walks in the room. While the character of Indominus Rex is a pretty cool thought and is used decently well, the scenes of Indominus stalking never works. Why? Because early on they state that like a snake he can sense body heat profiles...this means that hiding does jack squat since it has the equivalent of infrared goggles on. IT WILL NOT MISS YOU.
The last thing it does like the original besides similar story beats, is the ridiculous number of homages to the first film from Mr. DNA to the actual banner and welcome center of the first movie. The movie will never leave you doubting for a second that they love the first film. There are all sorts of easter eggs that you can see from the first movie including the banner that falls down wher T-rex destroys the welcome center. These things are nice and are enjoyable as a fan of the original. However, sometimes you can homage too much. I was left with a very weird sensation of why in the world would this 7 year old theme park have never touched the original welcome center and just left it and all of its supplies out in the woods to rot away? It detracts from being able to focus on the plot of this movie when so many plot holes are left gaping. Also, too much familiarity means that most of the scenes feel too familiar to have any impact. If you continue to do the same thing to an audience, the audience will adapt and know what to expect.
Now, since I am through making comparisons to the original, I would like to state the rest of my gripes regarding this film in bullets as paragraphs would make this a 3 page essay.
*Who the hell would hire and retain the jackass in the computer lab with the vintage shirt? Any boss I know would have fired him long ago.
*Why have a zoom in closeup of the kids staring out the monorail as if they see something awesome like dinosaurs or maybe the Indominus feasting on something only to reveal they are staring at 2 cars driving on a road...
*THE RIDICULOUS DIALOGUE. Ex - 2 kids find themselves in the ruins of the old park looking at night vision helmets, and 2 broken down old jalopies. After looking around for a few seconds, the older one says, hey remember that one time ten years ago when we fixed dads malibu? Cut to them driving away shortly afterwards. First, no one remembers them fixing anything because unless you show it on screen or it makes sense as backstory (hence a nurse might have seen some surgical procedures) then it looks like a half-assed line. I would like to believe it was just one, but this happens so often especially for the kids that it automatically decreases the status of the film.
*The unnecesary scenes like the one where the kids go into the old center, find the old banner, wrap it up to make a torch from matches that they for some reason carry around with them (my bet is on the little guy being the secret smoker with the parents divorce setting him over the edge since it also came almost out of nowhere) just to have them turn a corner and then no longer have the torch in the next scene. SO why have the scene? Why to show off the cool stuff from Jurassic Park of course!
*Animal honor. Seriously, the scene at the end where T-Rex and Blue, the raptor finish off Indominus and then they stare at each other, I swear I see a little head nod like "Thanks bro" and then they turn and go their separate ways, neither of them attacking the completely undisguised humans.
*During the Rex fight when Howard tells the people to hide over here, with here being the middle of the open area behind a medium sized rock...
*Who is actually in charge? Masrani at first, but then the crazy Doctor is sure of himself and the InGen company doesn't bat an eye when their main guy in charge bites the bullet. Just cast him aside, save the crazy doc and tools that keep killing everything, and approve insane military guy to let loose raptors. Maybe this is on purpose, if so, then they need a real good reason to appear in a future installment.
*The badassness of the pig catcher as he releases the same animals that almost ate him earlier that week.
*The stupidity of sending out a non-lethal army against the most lethal creature in the park that you could just RECREATE. Sure, money is important, but life is bigger. I have a feeling if Disney had a pride of lions outbreak in one of their hotels, and they send in 15 guys with tasers, I guarantee their sanity and values will be destroyed in a court.
*The ridiculous reason that is kinda held for the next movie as to why they don't tell the handlers what the dinosaurs are made of.
*The lack of recognition of the previous sequels. Come on, they weren't great but they happened. I am beginning to hate it when franchises just ignore the "bad" installments.
*too predictable story beats
Things they did well:
*Great job on the layout and functionality of the park. It feels alive and amazing. I want a dinosaur tycoon game.
*Love the use of the gyroscope ball thingy. It's just cool. Nice touch adding Jimmy Fallon.
*the throwback to the final scene with the flare and T-rex.
*Raptor training - seriously, this could have gone incredibly wrong. It might have been the stupidest thing ever, however, the level of detail and the actual decent science of it with actual trainers makes it believable and it is awesome.
*THe indominus Rex - I was really worried when they decided to do a hybrid dinosaur. It could have been ridiculous. However, while the reason for making it is a little ridiculous for government contracts, the actual animal and its intellect and the semi explanation of how it can do things is pretty cool. Fastest learning self aware creature ever maybe, but still pretty cool how it interplays with everything except for how they hide.
*Chris Pratt - A+ casting, Masrani - A+ casting, still love Life of Pi. Howard - B+ casting. Team badass leaders to be killed quickly by dinosaurs - A+. Kids - C.
*The innocent fun references to Jurassic Park like Mr. DNA, the holographic dinosaur that distracts the raptor, the goat scene, etc.
*The smashing dinosaur fights. Seriously, it's like Rick Baker's clay mation monsters came to life and fought like how I imagine dinosaurs would be.
*cool pteradon attack
*acknowledgement of the difference between the Jurassic dinosaurs and what real dinosaurs would have been like. It was a nice touch filling in the gaps of the original.
*Dinosaur soccer. You know what I mean.
*Fun helicopter pilot
*fun ambulance escape
*Seaworld dinosaur exhibit.
All in all, the movie has a love of the original it wears on its sleeves and excels in the interplay of dinosaurs. Characters and relationships are shoddily developed but actors work with what they got to get the most. It's fun and probably on par with The Lost World in terms of quality. However, it angers me because with some more attention to editing and dialogue in scriptwriting this could have been as equally great as the original. Three stars out of Five.
All in all
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